You give me way to much credit.
quarterbore has piled alot of excellent info on this site. I'm here usually every day and will help you out all I can. QB is right, if you want to build one or two, 100% recievers would be easiest. I started building using homemade recievers and have gotten alot of satifaction out of building my own reciever. My best advice for someone starting out is to buy kits now and take your time and learn from the different boards. Hopefully in that time period you can find someone close to you and share the expense of tooling. Remember that most tools can be sold for about what you paid for them after you're finished.......BUT start out buying kits now, Those will be the hardest to find and most expensive part of building in the future. If you think you'll build three, buy six....tools will always be out there and there's always someone getting out of AK building and selling off some tools.