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Old 09-26-2005, 03:14 PM
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sluggermn sluggermn is offline
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: nw minnesota
Posts: 59
thank you I apreciate the offer.
my offer still stands if any one in the area wants to get a build going e-mail or p.m. me and we can get the ball rolling.

I really wanted to start the build teams thread here because this site has the most complete information I have found so far!! and every one here, exspecally you quarterbore, have taken the "vodo-magic, turn three circles and do a rain dance " mistery out of doing a ak build!
the only problem I have so far is I had no idea there were so many speciality tool involved and that is going to bust my budget to get a build done!! oh well all for the love of the a.k.
slugger out

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