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Old 04-28-2010, 03:56 PM
snipecatcher snipecatcher is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 177
Red dot for subsonic loads

I tried some in my Savage just for S's and G's. My findings: Dont! With a 240 Matchking, 6.0 grains blew out a primer. 5.0 grains gave me ~800 fps, and the bullets were sideways at 100 yards. I also tried it with some 155 Matchkings subsonic, which worked, but not well. With 5.0 grains, I was getting right at 1000 fps, but accuracy was not good. I'm still waiting on my stupid suppressor, but all loads were noticeably quieter than the 8.5 grains of VVN-110 that I usually use. My next experiment will be to try something in between Red-dot and 110 on the burn rate chart, with the hopes of a quieter subsonic load.
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