Thanks for the pics
I purchased a Redding 300x221 die close to 20 years ago and it has served me well. I used it to load for silhouette and have run thousands of rounds through it. I purchased it because of the price difference between the ssk and redding. Up until that time I only purchased RCBS dies. The workmanship and the care in manufacturing the Redding dies convinced me to switch over to Redding and I have bought few other dies since then. I have wandered and tried hornady, lee, lyman and dillion over the years but am usually disapointed in fit and finish. They all seem to work fine but for only a few dollars more I will purchase the redding.
Maybe my time in a machine shop lets me appreciate the extra time spent on the reddings vs other but I like them. Everyone has their favorites and they all work well. Enjoy. Don't worry about the wimpy looking decapping rod, most of the dies I have are very similiar. I have only bent one and it was my fault. I was playing around with wildcat mockups.
I have also been very impressed with the Redding customer service. When I was looking for 300-221 dies back in the dark ages I called Redding. The engineer that drew up the drawing on the 300-221 for redding actually called me, sent me a drawing(probably have it somewhere) and assured me that the die would for for my contender. I have since called and had the engineers check on reamer prints vs die dimensions on a 6x45. They must be a relatively small outfit and they are incredable to work with.