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Old 03-14-2010, 03:29 AM
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Artful Artful is offline
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Posts: 228
Getting 300/221 fireball cases made

I have a friend, who will take my new or used 223 and run them into a Trim/form die giving me back 300 whisper raw formed cases trimmed to 1.423 plus or minus 2 thou - this gives me ability to trim to my chamber(as he does this for several of us including himself).
- he made the trim die the the same size as his chamber reamer was so they need to be sized with your reloading die before ready to load.

But he does all this for me for like 4 cents apiece - I buy once fired 223 for $91 and drop it off and gvie him $40 for turning into 300 whisper brass. And I'm ready to run thru my sizer and trim to match my chamber - anyway he's willing to do the same for other people and I asked him if he could trim to the 1.355 trim length and make a new sizer/trim die thats down to ready to prime / powder and seat a bullet - he wants to find out if there's someone besides me who would buy his services before he cranks up the lathe to make a new die.

So I told him I would ask around - What say you 300 whisper owners?

Can I get anyone else interested in having him do this for them?
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