Thread: gun finishes
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Old 09-21-2005, 06:35 PM
555th 555th is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Kentucky
Posts: 28
I know it sounds bad....but Dupli-color #1602 Black is about the best match for AKs that you will find. I've done about half of what I've built with it and it will stand up as well if not better than the high dollar finishes like Gun Kote or Dura Coat. A lot of times I'd rather just finish the reciever and trunions/rivets and leave the rest of the kit in it's original finish. The Dupli-color is an almost perfect match.

It comes in a spray can, sold almost everywhere, I get mine at Advance Auto parts. After you clean and degrease your parts well, paint it and bake it in an oven at 200-300 for an hour or two. The hotter and longer you bake it, the flatter the finish will be. So if your finish is a little too black or shiney to match the rest of your kit, just bake it a little hotter/longer and it will match.

Try it, you will be impressed. Also it's not like Gun Kote where you need to strip the whole rifle to refinish or touch up. It's very forgiving.
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