Thread: ViHtv. N-320
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Old 02-09-2010, 04:54 PM
justshoot justshoot is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Oregon
Posts: 57
thanks for the info on the N-110
Really not that interested in shooting AR platform for the 30-221 so the abundance of gas necessary to cycle the platform is not that important to me.
Trying to get fast and more efficient clean burn. For me with the 30-221 Suppressed Bolt shooting. I am more interested in Less Gas and it seems to make the shooting more quieter with the SupCan on. With less gas let-off/pressure The noise level seems to be even more Quiet. being there is less gas expansion running out the barrel with the faster powder doing a complete burn more efficiently with the Vihtiv. n-130.
Once you get Your accuracy and load data down for what your shooting with a suppressed Bolt and it gets to your satisfaction. The only thing left to do is to make it more quiet with not sacrificing them. So that is reason I am seeking info here on faster powders like Viht. N-320
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