Thread: Barnes Bullets
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Old 09-17-2005, 02:04 PM
encoreman encoreman is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Florida
Posts: 7
Well everyone its been awhile but I finally got around to testing the new Barnes Triple shocks in a Encore single shot rifle with a 18 inch barrel.
Here are some things I noticed DO NOT load more than 17.0 grains of H110 in the cases. At 17.5 grains of powder there is a noticeable primer over-pressuring, 50% of the primers actually were forced from the case itself.

Here is the actual loading data: use at your own risk,
Barnes 150 grain Triple Shock
17 Grains H110
Bullet at .055-. 060 off lands
Group was .397 @100 yards

The grouping was very consistent from 15.7- 17.0 grains of powder, there was a noticeable elevation in groups size below or above this number.
All testing was done at sea level.
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