Thread: Minimum Loads
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Old 01-24-2010, 02:55 PM
alorton alorton is offline
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Minimum Loads

I'm working up a load for my 300/221 AR. I'm loading 240SMK's using 2400 powder. Sierra's manual lists 9.4gr of powder as the minimum load and goes on to suggest not loading below that minimum. At that level, I'm getting 1180 FPS. I want to get down to 1050 but also don't want to get into issues with detonation. What would you all suggest?

I'm guess I'll need to drop a full grain before I get where I want. I'll work my way down, but if I can't get that low safely I guess I'll have to switch powders. Are those minimums to prevent bullets from getting stuck (the Sierra data shows a MV of 950 FPS with that load) or is it getting to low for the case capacity?
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