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Old 09-14-2005, 12:22 PM
DarkKnight DarkKnight is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 20
Poor man's FAL: Cheap parts?

I've been looking at FALs for a while, and I snagged a cheap kit a while back.
Compliance-wise, it appears to my untrained eye that I need 7 parts to make it compliant.

I've been browsing around looking for deals on US parts, and all I've seen so far is:

Tapco gas piston for $28 shipped

Cheap CAI buttstock $ 17.99

Cheap pistol grip and and foregrip (plus some new springs): $49.99

Short US muzzle attachment: $9.99 for hotlist members

I figure the FCG would be another 3 parts, but I haven't tracked down anything cheaper than DSA for that...

Any current deals out there that would beat these prices?
I know I'd still have to track down an elusive receiver, but that's another thread....
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