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Old 01-04-2010, 01:55 PM
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amafrank amafrank is offline
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Posts: 197
Since you do have a trim die than don't worry about getting a fancy cutoff wheel until you figure out what the problem is. Run some brass up in the trim die and cut it off using a hacksaw. You might want to leave the die a little bit high for the cut off so that the cases won't trim short. Use a file to trim the cases flat with the top of the die then use a chamfering tool to clean up the inside of the case. Getting rid of the burr inside will help to make sure you aren't getting the expander ball jammed up on it. Once you have a few cases trimmed like this than you can run them into the sizing die lubed outside and inside the neck. The expander ball will grab inside the neck if there is no lube and that can cause troubles too. If the expanders are ball shaped that can create more problems. The good ones have a long taper to them so they don't try and expand the necks all at once.

The reason they don't give you any info on working with .223 is because the cases are supposed to be made from .221 fireball brass. Thats why you have 2 different size expander balls. Don't blame them for not giving info because we are doing something the tools weren't designed for. Some guys are still using .221 brass because they say its more consistant dimensionally and has the proper neck thickness without any extra work. We use .223 brass because its substantially cheaper, it can be found with very consistant internal dimensions and some types will work with no extra work to make the necks the right thickness. That brings us to the last question for you....What kind of .223 brass are you using??? Some types have very thick case walls and will end up doing just the sort of thing you describe, sticking and jamming up in the necks. I've used US commercial brass with no problems though I find the winchester to be the most consistant. I've also used Lake City, Malaysian military and some Korean PMC brass with no issues. I've had problems with the South African brass, Abu Dhabi, Radway green (Brit) and some other military stuff I haven't identified. They all have thick case walls and either don't size well, have such small primer flash holes that they grab the decapping pin, or need the case necks turned in order to use. Tell us what brass you're using and that will help too......

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