The tube cutter may be your problem. I have only done 350 cases and biult my upper about a month ago, but have had no problems. My cases are 2nd fired Rem and a Win and LC slip ins. I only bought the Redding Form Die and Redding 2 Die FL. I first tumble, lube with lanolin spray then run threw Form die using My RCBS Match Extended shell holder. Tumble off lube, cut behind shoulder with grinder with 1/16 blade, chamfer inside with drill press with counter-sink. trim to 1.360 using RCBS power trimmer with standard cutter, lube with lanolin spray, Full size and deprime using Redding FL with 30 cal expander and RCBS regular shell holder bumping it against the die for max sizing as per instructions, Tumble, trim to 1.355 with RCBS Power Trimmer with 3-way cutter head. All have chambered good and no destroyed cases.