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Old 01-04-2010, 09:53 AM
PFDD PFDD is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 25
Thanks gentlemen,

I am using .223 cases and received no instructions with the Form and Trim die and the Redding instructions that came with the 300/221 dies only related to forming cases from .221, so I'm operating a bit in the dark and obviously fumbling.

I wasn't sure that the Form and Trim die was giving me the proper neck diameter so I ran the .270 expander button though first followed by the .30 caliber button per the instructions included with the dies. Since I encountered friction with the .270 button only when the tubing cutter closed down the neck opening a bit too much, I will gladly omit the extra and unneeded step.

I'm not annealing the cases first and thought I had plenty of lube but clearly something is inadequate beyond my knowledge.

It's kind of a pisser that the Redding instructions only address .221 as the parent cases and you're supposed to intuit how to set up the Form and Trim die and don't even know you need the extended shellholder until you come up short the first time you try to use it. I'll contact Redding later today.

I will try a few more cases using more lube this time but will probably wait until I have the chop saw instead of the tubing cutter. I tried a couple of cases using the tubing cutter followed by a mill file while the case was still in the F&T die but it seems the shortest I can rough trim the case in the F&T is 1.400 so bringing them down to 1.355 requires final trim tools.

Thanks for your comments. So far more lube looks to be the consensus.
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