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Old 12-27-2009, 05:00 PM
d-mon d-mon is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: NZ
Posts: 165
Fallow Deer with the 300 whisper

Merry Christmas to all of you.
I finished the year quite well as i harvested my first fallow deer with a 300 whisper yesterday morning.

I went stalking early morning with a friend of mine on an open farm on the east coast of the north island of New Zealand.
We spotted 3 deer in a field. One of them was a male, still in velvet.
I carefully planned my stalk, as the wind was very dodgy and blowing in all kind of directions. After a 20 min stalk I managed to get within a 100yrds from the animals. I had only a small window of view on the deer, having two big fern trees covering most of its body.
I took aim behind the shoulder, and squeeze the trigger when everything looked right. After the loud crack of the shot I did not hear the classic "thump" of the bullet hitting the boiler room. Animals started the escape to the nearest bush.
My friend who was spotting the whole scene from 200yards away, did not believe that my bullet had connected with the deer.
After inspection of the ground, where the animals went and not being able to find any blood trace we concluded that I had missed, probably due to a big flinch and not "following through" after the shot.

We decided to carry on for another opportunity...

To be continued...

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