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Old 12-20-2009, 03:09 AM
Boom Stick Boom Stick is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 3
416 Whisper in AR-10

Couple of questions about the 416 whisper (since I'm totally ignorant of the possibilities)

1. Will the 416 whisper fit comfortably inside the confines of an AR-10 magazine with long high ballistic coefficient bullets?

2. Is it possible/safe/smart to use a 40s&w pistol suppressor for subsonic 420 grain projectiles traveling around 1040fps?

3. Anyone actually use the 416 whisper? If my two above questions prove affirmative then I would have a hard time thinking of why more people don't use this combination (or the 416 whisper at all.) Cheap suppressor, tons of energy, bullets can be found for less than some pay for Barnes MRX's, 7mm-08 level recoil, and it all fits inside a convenient host (Ar-10 already comes with necessary bolt face)

Please tell me I'm crazy on this one (cause if I'm not then I've got another rifle in the works )
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