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Old 12-15-2009, 01:44 PM
richland richland is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Worcester
Posts: 3
Buckmaster 185

As I am not a (collecter of knives) I define collector as one who does not use but simply ownes unique models to display, resell, trade etc. I find it surprising the there are perfect condition in the box 185 buckmaster knives out there. So someone out there bought the knife in the 90s to collect, and has looked to resell it to make a profit?. My knife is beat up, traveled the world, has stories to tell,but is probably worth much less because of it. even though it is just as usefull, and durable, as the day it was bought.
someone please put it in perspective from a knife collectors point of view.
No disrespect intended. why collect? why is perfect condition so much better than a knife with a story?
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