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Old 12-13-2009, 02:27 AM
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Garrett Garrett is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 88
Heavy bullets w/ faster powders

When I bought my .300 Whisper for the T/C Contender from SSK it came with a couple of pages of load data, including subsonic loads using AA#2.

Later on, SSK apparently ran into some problems using that powder, as noted at the bottom of this page. Specifically, it says:

" Important Notes from JD Jones himself:

I would appreciate it if you would delete the Accurate #2 data and say that in SSK AR-15 and M-16 no powder faster burning than Accurate #9 should be used. The gas system is timed for sub sonic with powders with burning rates from #9 through 1680."

The issue appears to be one specific to the timing of gas-operated rifles. Is there any issue in bolt-actions or single-shots?

The reason I ask, I have been using AA#9 and H110 with 220 gr. SMKs with the bullet traveling at around 1050 fps. However, there is still more noise than I would like when shooting suppressed. It sounds similar to removing a quick-connect hose from a pneumatic tool, but not as loud. I'd like to try a faster powder and compare the sound signature, but I don't really want to blow up my gun in the process.

If not #2, has anyone tried using some medium-fast powders with 220 or 240 gr. bullets?

Last edited by Garrett; 01-12-2010 at 03:17 PM.
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