I'd probably start around 9gr and work my way down using a chronograph. The tracers will go from about 800fps to stuck in very short order so if you start seeing them slowing down to the 800 fps level you know you are at the lower limit. The difference between 800 and 1000 fps is a couple tenths of a grain. It all has to do with the drag of the long bullets so just be careful and use some sort of repeatable info. Also remember that velocity will change rather substantially with H110 as outside temps change. The loads we worked up at 35 degrees in winter were all well supersonic in summer. There are other powders out there that will light the tracers too and if you're not worried about keeping things subsonic than try some others and keep the loads up higher. Try 12 gr of H110 or VV N110. They will both be supersonic, reliable and temp changes won't result in stuck bullets or blown cases like the max or min loads would.
Have fun. Tracers are cool after all....