Thread: Tracer loads?
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Old 11-23-2009, 02:43 PM
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amafrank amafrank is offline
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I've loaded a lot of tracers in the 300 and they all light great with just about any load I've used. If the bullets are in good shape they'll light. I've fire tracers loaded with 8.5gr of H110 in my 9" barreled SIG 552-300 and have a 90% light rate with quality tracers. So far its been more like 100% in the 16" bolt rifles. It makes me realize that all the advice for using special "Tracer" powders for the guys loading .308 and other full power rifle rounds is a load of crap. If 8 gr of pistol powder will light the tracer than you should be able to use any rifle powder in a larger round. The problem comes in when you are using questionable tracers that won't light with any powder. Once they oxidize beyond a certain point they become very hard to light with any powder or load. So the answer to your question is: if you have good tracers than yes they will light in the 300-221 round with whatever sub or supersonic load you use. If you have bad ones than chances are that any load won't light them.
One very important thing to be aware of with the tracer bullet is that it has a very long bearing surface in relation to its weight. This means it will require higher pressure to push it out the barrel due to friction and drag. Don't use the load data for the bullet weight but rather a slightly higher load or you will end up with stuck tracers in your barrel. Some data I've found shows a load of less than 8 gr of H110 for 150 gr bullets but I can tell you from experience that 7.8gr can result in a bullet that doesn't quite make it out the end of the barrel. It may not cause you any grief but getting that stuck bullet out may create nicks or dings in your barrel from whatever you knock it out with. Use caution in working up a load for your particular rifle if you are trying to go subsonic. It is possible and the sound of the tracer burning is audible. The difference between the 1100fps load and the stuck load is small though and a first shot through an oiled bore is not a good indicator. Shoot a few rounds through the thing before you start chrono'ing the tracer loads.

Hope that answers the question>


Last edited by amafrank; 11-23-2009 at 02:48 PM.
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