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Old 11-17-2009, 11:09 AM
pwcosol pwcosol is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 161
With the last contract let by the U.S. Army, the requirement was for 25,000 additional M9 bayonets. After bids were rendered, Lan-Cay & Ontario Knife where the two lowest (only?) bidders. It was decided not to award the entire contract to either company, but split it evenly @ 12,500 units each. The idea was to stimulate future competition. By now, this contract has been completed by both firms, so no one is currently delivering M9s to the Army. Phrobis, the company that designed & had the first M9 bayonets produced for the Army, lost out to LanCay on a supplemental contract (I think in 1991 or 1992). After 22 years with the MPBS M9, the Army has expressed an interest in seeking a new bayonet system. However, with the current administration & economic situation, plus more than adequate stocks of bayonets in inventory, it is unlikely this will happen any time soon.

Last edited by pwcosol; 11-17-2009 at 11:14 AM.
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