Thread: WTK 221 brass
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Old 11-14-2009, 10:21 AM
Dino92g Dino92g is offline
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What are you shooting it in?

If a T/C, you're likely fine using the LC as T/C has classivly oversize chambers. As long as you are sure your load is safe for the gun and that the neck is not too tight in the chamber, you should be good to go.

Most people say nay on the .223 brass being used for the 300 Whisper but a lot of people do it. If it is an AR you are sending this brass through, I have been told with MUCH conviction, you really need to use the 221 brass.

I have a 300 Whisper Rimmed chamber in my T/C and that brass was made from a 357 Rem Maximum parent. My friend shoots the 300W in his T/C and has only used 221 and 204 brass due to the thinner case walls.
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