Thread: XM9 on ebay
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Old 11-10-2009, 11:29 AM
pwcosol pwcosol is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 161
A several years ago, within a day or so, there were two BUCK 1993 USMC solid-tang trials pieces to come up on Evilbay. I contacted the seller of the first one to be listed, within a couple hours of it being posted to auction, inquiring if there was a BIN price. Apparently there was, because shortly thereafter the listing disappeared. Someone else had contacted the seller before me, and bought the piece most reasonably. To my recollection that bayonet was mentioned on this Forum. I think it may have been resold some time later back on Ebay. Bill P. & I discussed these two M9s at the time. Bottom line is if you see something up for bid you really want, might as well take a shot, because someone else will be thinking the same thing. If the seller wants to take the quick buck, and not chance riding out the auction, (like the S-Tron Bill mentioned), it is their loss & some collector's gain!

Last edited by pwcosol; 11-10-2009 at 11:35 AM.
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