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Old 10-25-2009, 05:48 PM
sgms18 sgms18 is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 95
Suppressor cleaning

I am running an AAC 7.62SD on my AR-Whisper. This is my 1st suppressor and I was wondering, how and how often i should clean it? Also I have been told not to use bullets with exposed lead bottoms(not an issue for the whisper) but I wanta use this can on my .223 AR's too and most all of your 55and 62gr bullets ARE exposed lead bottoms. Does anyone run these types of bullets in their supperssed guns? Sure, I could shoot match bullets but I have thousands and thousands of 55 and 62gr "exposed lead bottom" bullets. What do yall think? I have read bout the "DIP" (viniger and peroxide) that is supposer to disolve lead in another post here, it said to only use on SS. Well, my AAC 7.62SD is made of 718 Inconel and 316 SS and they call their finish SCARmor. Is it ok to use this solution in my can, will it harm the finish? Thanks in advance for any insight!
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