Thread: Need Help
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Old 10-22-2009, 09:30 AM
Drof Drof is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 18
Need Help

My 8" barrel ar15 won't fire half the reloads I feed it. I want to use this recipe as when it shoots its very accurate and clean in my can. 8.8gr Lilgun and the 240smk. I had a few clicks when shooting th efirst time and thought maybe the brass was a tad too long so I trimmed all brass this time to 1.35 and loaded this load again. Same deal. When I let the bolt slam home, then try to fire "Click" is all i get on half the rounds I feed it. The other half fire fine. When I do this I let th ebolt slam home on the round usually once or twice more then it will fire the round.

Heres the ? Do i have a tight chamber or a bad FL die. When I look at the brass after the first or second click, it has a shiny spot on one side of the shoulder leaving me to beleive the trim lenght had nothin gto do with it, but either my chamber is slightly tight in one side or my die isn't resizing completely. Its a redding. I was going to buy some factory corbon ammo and see what that shoots like, but haven't found any. If it feeds\functions\shoots correctly then it's my die, if it doesn't then its my chamber right?

Any advice is appreciated. Brass was formed from new 221
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