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Old 10-17-2009, 01:11 PM
boodie boodie is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 9
Questions about M7 Scabbards...

I've had about a dozen M7 bayonets + scabbards go through my hands lately; some have the "USM8" scabbard; some have the "USM8A1" scabbard...All have the green fiberglas body...

I had always thought that the difference between them was the metal tip on the bottom of the "USM8A1"......

But I got a "USM8A1" this week with no metal tip...and it has a "crackly" finish on the fiberglas...All the others [pwh mostly] were smooth...This one has no mfg letters on it...

Can anyone tell me the real differences between the two??? And the approximate years each was produced???

Thank you for your time!!!
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