Thread: 184 price check
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Old 07-30-2005, 06:15 PM
wdn wdn is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 6
184 price check

Hi people. I'm a long time member of under the username WDN. I've been cleaning out some drawers and selling stuff, on Glocktalk, that I don't use anymore. While cleaning, I found my old Buckmaster and wondered if it was something I could get ride of. In searching the net I found this site and figured I would ask you guys what would be a fair asking price without having to do the ebay thing. I've never done the ebay thing and really didn't want to get started since my drawers are almost clean. LMK what you guys think.

It was probably tossed around more then used. I no longer have the compass that it came with and it didn't come with a pouch. I probably didn't know it was supposed to come with a pouch at the time of purchase. I was pretty young at the time and was more focused on the size of the blade. :)
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