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Old 08-15-2009, 05:03 PM
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kdiver58 kdiver58 is offline
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 89

I saw that setup and it is the best.. Cuts, forms it's da bomb.

Foot switch is a great idea ..

I slowed the feed down for the video and have added a guard .. I did 100 and I'm at about 15 seconds per now. It does take me more time moving the cutter back behind a guard but I've got so much scar tissue on my hands I just don't want to risk adding any more for the sake of a dozen more shells trimmed.. I'm a weenie !

Chop saw sounds good. How hot does the brass get ?

I've got a surface grinder I never thought about putting a cutoff wheel in it and using a toolmakers vice to hold the brass ..hhmm

It's a Forster shell holder. I've made a new collet for it becasue just as 320pf said alignment can be a problem. I use a carbide mill because it will last forever. Maybe I'll burn a hole in it and braze a pilot into it..

The more ideas the better

Last edited by kdiver58; 08-15-2009 at 05:56 PM.
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