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Old 07-08-2005, 06:04 AM
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Carlo Carlo is offline
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M9 Bayonet Collectors Club
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Posts: 487
"dots" on M9 Phrobis bayonet pommell

I recently purchased a Phrobis, USGI issued, still in its original sealed plastic bag.
It has a standard four line configuration (M9/Phrobis III/USA/Pat. Pend), with the narrow "USA", no markings on the other side of the blade, no wire cutter stop.
I attached a picture of the sealed bayonet.
The pommell, however, does NOT have any "dots" on it.
Usually the M9 Buck/Phrobis pommell has three "dots" (see picture).
The bigger round one, just in the middle of the pommell, should help (according to the M9 technical manual) the armorers to know which is the front/back of the plate). I don't know which is the use for the other two small "dots" (square or round, I have seen both) on the levels between the spring.
Well, my M9 does NOT have any of these "dots".
I was looking for some reference on the subject, and I found that in the Cole Book IV there is a drawing of a Phrobis M9 without the "big" dot (the one in the middle of the pommell) but WITH the two others.
As my bayonet came sealed it is unlikely that someone could have replaced the original pommell.
Does anybody have a military contract Phrobis without dots?
P.S. As I do not have a digital camera I used, to show the pommell "dots", a picture of an M9 that was already on this forum. If this is not fine, I'll ask the Administrator to remove the second picture.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	Phrobis in wrap.jpg
Views:	267
Size:	22.8 KB
ID:	37   Click image for larger version

Name:	pommell dots.jpg
Views:	320
Size:	35.4 KB
ID:	38  
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