Thread: Very Pleased!
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Old 07-04-2005, 10:04 PM
lbarcher34 lbarcher34 is offline
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Posts: 7
Very Pleased!

Last week I got my Fox Ridge (T/C custom shop) Encore barrel. 18 inch and I think it is a 1 in 12 twist or maybe 1 in 10. I was very pleased with the accuracy of it. I loaded 150 hornady SST in reformed 221 FB with 17.9 grns H110. At 100 yards I could keep the lead in a one inch dot which I think is awsome. I had bought corbon 150grain loads and found they were reasonably accurate but were very hot in that after fireing them I had to really use force to get the barrel to break down. Anyone else had that problem? The primary use of this round for me is going to be coyote hunting and the shots are all going to be under 150 yds with 80-100yds being standard and I for one am pleased with the accuracy. I almost went with a 16 1/2 barrel but kinda glad I didnt because this is already a short gun with the 18 incher. I will post pics later.(Redding dies) I did find that reforming the 221 unfired cases I passed them all with the .270 expander then the .308 expander. The first ones I ruined because I tried to pushed the expander too far. It took a few to figure out that the .308 expander only flanged it and the bullet being seated finished the process. I tried to use a flat base Remington bullet but found that the flat base crushed the neck. The SST with its taper did perfect. If I am doing it wrong let me know but it worked.
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