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Old 07-02-2005, 12:17 AM
Cornholio Cornholio is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 108
Definitely keep us posted. I'm very interested in your developments.

I am starting out myself. I am having problems with the Redding 300/221 2 die set I just bought from Graf's. I don't think the decapping pin is screwing down into the FL size die far enough. Every time I try to use the 300 expander, the brass gets stuck before I'm able to size. I think the expander is still partially in the neck area of the die, because if I really force the ram, the neck starts to actually swage, and if I keep going, the neck gets crushed near the shoulder. And even then, the primer is not being decapped. Redding customer support wasn't all that helpful over the phone, but told me to send the die in.

The only way I've been able to load ammo so far is to remove the decapping pin and size without it, then expand the case neck with a K&M Expandiron used for neck turning brass. Then load as normal. Either that, or I have to thin the necks down significantly with the neck turning tool, and then I can use the die with the decapper installed (even though it still doesn't decap). I am using once fired Remington .223 brass trimmed to 1.43". I was going off the diagram for .300-221 as seen on, which shows the case length to be 1.450".

I was planning on buying some brass from David Davis myself. I contacted him about some free samples he offered in his advertisement. He responded twice, but I haven't gotten any brass from him. He also has not responded to my emails since then.
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