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Old 06-21-2005, 09:14 PM
lbarcher34 lbarcher34 is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 7
Primers and load data Help

I am going to load 150 grain Hornady sst bullets in reformed 221 brass and need suggestions as to what load to use for a TC encore 18inch barrel for coyotes. Can I use any small rifle primer or should I stick to Rem 7 1/2. The remingtons are hard to find in my neck of the woods. This is for supersonic loads as that I have no suppressor it is not legal to hunt with in my state. Please any help would be greatly appreciated. I emailed JD at SSK and he basically told me I was not a customer which is the truth I cut costs and got a TC Custom shop barrel. Any else got a response like that? Didnt mean to offend him or maybe I was wrong to ask for load info from him.
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