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Old 06-06-2009, 10:28 AM
LouBoyd LouBoyd is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Patagonia Mountains, Arizona
Posts: 231
Rimmed 300/221?

It looks to me like the 32-20 Winchester cartridge has just been re-invented. At least it's similar in shape and case capacity. TC used to offer the 32-20 as a standard Contender barrel for use with 308 diameter bullets, 10" twist.

It seems to me that these cartridges:
30 Luger (14.29 grain capacity)
30 carbine (21.0 grain capacity)
30-20 (21.7 grain capacity)
32-20 (22 grain capacity)
have been pretty much ignored for use as subsonics, arguably because of the lack of suitable strong actions to use with long heavy bullets. The 300 Whisper's capacity is more than necessary even for 240 SMKs.
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