Thread: Nice bayo's
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Old 06-03-2009, 02:22 AM
Broad_Arrow Broad_Arrow is offline
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Originally Posted by Carlo View Post
I had a look at the clear LanCay auction, which is now over,
and the final price, $ 690.25, is much, much lower than I expected.
Well, the price realized would have been much higher if the seller did not reject all foreign (internatonal) bids. Am not sure if you were paying close attention to this auction earlier on, but, at one point, it was at about $2500 with 4-5 days left. Then the seller let a few international bidders (such as myself) know that he would rather sell it to an American only and cancelled all foreign bids (which was many for this particular auction). That is his perogative and his right -- I will not question it at all. A seller can do as he pleases.

As a result, though, the end selling price was about $2000 less than when he had international bids (which were cancelled). Go figure... since he allowed other nations to bid on his other auctions, just not on the plastic LanCay auction.

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