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Old 05-30-2009, 10:27 PM
redtazdog redtazdog is offline
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Posts: 133
Bellm makes barrels for the 221/357max whisper and i think he chambers other barrels too.
From the website
.300 Whisp-R Improved 12" Contender/G2 barrel & dies
Barrel and custom dies package $435.
10," 12," and longer lengths as available chambered to the Improved version of the .300 Whisper, either rimless, or rimmed cases made from .357 Rem. Max. brass.

.300 Whisp.-R Imp. is what the original .300 Whisper should have been designed as in the first place. The shoulder diameter is increased to .376", and the shoulder angle is a much more substantial 40 degrees. The rim of the parent .357 Rem. Max. brass assures positive headspace.

Shoots commercial .300 Whisper factory ammo, legal for Illinois handgun deer hunting.

The extractor is set up to accommodate both rimless ammo made from .221 FB brass or .357 Rem. Max. brass, both of which are available from me preformed & trimmed to length for this barrel on special order. Or, form your own cases.

.357 Max. brass must be annealed before forming. Annealed brass is on hand at $45/100 for you to form and trim yourself.

.300 Whisp-R formed and annealed brass, ready to load, $75/100.

No fireforming is required. Just load and shoot.

Price: Bellm custom blued barrel and custom CH-4D FL die set $435. Call to check availability.

.300 Whisper loaded Corbon ammo from Dakota Ammo
Check with Corbon to locate a dealer in your area selling .300 Whisper loaded ammo.

Illinois Corbon distributors and dealers

More details about .300 Whisp.-R Improved.

My spelling seems to have gone down the tube since I got on the internet, but, no, that is not a misspelling of Whisper.

What I have done is what should have been done to the .221 Fireball case in the first place. That is, establish a more pronounced shoulder to headspace on by increasing the shoulder diameter approx. .010" to the same diameter as the similar .223 Rem. based rounds such as .223 Rem. Imp. and the TCU's like the once popular 7mm TCU. And, the shoulder angle has been made the more abrupt 40 degrees like the TCU's.

Those shooting the standard .300 Whisper or those familiar with the round are aware that once you bump the neck diameter of the Fireball case to .30 cal., there is not much of a shoulder left.

Go figure...... neck diam. is about .330," shoulder diameter .360" and change, difference about .030-.035." Divide that in half for the radius, and you have a shoulder that is only about .015 to maybe .018" wide.... NOT MUCH!

While adding about .005" to the width of the shoulder is not much either, that combined with the more abrupt shoulder angle is a definite improvement in supporting the case against the blow of the firing pin.

Also, what I have done is cut a rim counterbore for .357 Rem. Max. Thus you have the best of all worlds with this type of cartridge.

You have a better shoulder to headspace on, the back up headspace point at the rim to regulate how much the shoulder can collapse when the firing pin hits the primer, and the convenience of shooting either rimless or rimmed ammo interchangably.

The reason for wanting to still be able to shoot rimless ammo is largely for those good folks in my home state of Illinois where this guy grew up as a pig farmer weilding a razor blade on the back end of boar pigs starting at about age 8. Thankfully, I learned to exercise more finesse carving steel than I did carving out supper. So much for the more colorful side of my history.

In Illinois, the .300 Whisper and the .30 Bellm are the only two bottleneck cartridges grandfathered in as legal handgun deer hunting rounds. There are those who are more enthralled with the mystique of the miniscule Fireball case and its practicality compared to the larger and somewhat faster .30 Bellm.

Thus I have crafted the .300 Whisp-R Imp. so that standard .300 Whisper ammo can be fired in the chamber, making it legal for use in Illinois for deer. The letter of the Illinois regulations stipulate what ammo can be used, not the chamber. So if you have a box of commercially loaded Cor-bon ammo, you are "good to go" hunting deer with it.

For other purposes, or if you want to stretch the envelope a bit, you can make cases out of .357 Rem. Max. brass, which I also make and supply if you want to use the rimmed version.

Accuracy is the main interest, and with my throating, expect these barrels to be tack drivers that are very comfortable to shoot.

While Illinois deer hunters were first in my mind for this chambering anyone from any state that is interested in diminuitive, high performance rounds like this will certainly enjoy it.
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