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Old 05-26-2009, 04:47 PM
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Carlo Carlo is offline
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M9 Bayonet Collectors Club
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Posts: 487
Originally Posted by rexmeyer View Post
From what I have seen there are more than 25 around, just like the General Cutlery blades which surfaced in 2003.. How can one tell if it is indeed one of the original 25 or not made up somewhere? Rex
Rex made a very good point here!
Due to the way the M9 bayonet is designed (modular construction) and apart from few exceptions (like the USMC 1993) you will never be 100% sure that some parts of an M9 were not changed.
Don't get me wrong, please.
I'm sure this clear LanCay is legitimate, but this is something I had been thinking for some time.
As you know I have one of the General Cutlery LANCAY from 2003.
What happens if I changed the pommell with an un-marked one, used the correct scabbard, cutter plate and 1992 Fastex?
Nobody will be able to tell the difference with a legitimate one.
At the end, you trust the seller.
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