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Old 05-19-2009, 11:15 AM
pwcosol pwcosol is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 161
From your description, it sounds like you have a pair of later-pattern Lan-Cay M9s. The date stamp on the Fastex clip may be helpful to identify when the bayonet was made, but this is very subjective for several reasons. The scabbard may not necessarily be the original one the bayonet came with. The web suspension system might have been replaced. Lastly, clips were taken from supplies & secured to the webbing during manufacture. If the bin holding the clips started to run low, earlier dated clips remaining near the bottom might now get used, until a new batch is dumped on top of them. As for the shade of the OD Zytel grip & scabbard, exposure over time can lead to some changes in color. However, most likely the slight color change is due to one bayonet being assembled years later than another, from components produced from different mold lots. The plastic formula to produce components may differ slightly from one run to the next.
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