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Old 05-29-2005, 03:20 AM
Greywuuf Greywuuf is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Alaska
Posts: 66
Heh Heh, you sound like me, Mine are 1 almost 3 and almost 8, soccer stared this week wife works I am working 10's and the house is falling down around my ears. My four by four is a '62 unimog ( old mercedes deuce and a half )
and then I got the assorted snowmobiles and motorcycles. I got counting today and I got my 358 AR project to finish ( bolt and carrier should be here tuesday ) I have 3 people wanting FN's parked and headspaced, two HK's that need trunions welded in, and then my AK ( AMD ) kit needs finished up, and I got a reamer for a .510 whiser on the way as well, so I have at least two bolt guns needing work as well! If ya get a chance to work on something let us know.. and if you need any advice on the FN's I been through a number of them and will certainly help out anyway I can.

Oh and I got to shoot a buddies Beowulf ( .50 cal AR ) a while ago and I can see some subsonics in its future as well ! ( the fastones just hurt to dang bad !)
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