Thread: velocity survey
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Old 05-02-2009, 03:57 PM
dksd39 dksd39 is offline
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I would not put too much stock in what that program has to say when it comes to a 300/221 or much else for that matter. There are much better programs out there that take into account far more factors and do a better job of predicting perfomance. The hits program shows a 240 at 1050fps good for large game with a 910 rating. That said you can kill large game using a 22lr with proper shot placement and maybe a little luck.....and thats exactly what you would need if using a 300/221 with a 240. When using a slow moving 240 bullet (any subsonic) there is no expansion on impact. The bullet is simply going to pass right thru the animal. So unless you hit the spine or brain a fast kill is not going to happen. A heart lung shot can result in a lost animal due to the limited damge done. On the other hand a 125 will work considerably well and is a far better choice if not hunting suppressed.
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