Thread: velocity survey
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Old 05-02-2009, 02:52 PM
oobray oobray is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 6
Well, here's the background. I have been using the "HITS" calculator on hornady's website. THis is supposed to take bullet characteristics and give reccomendations on size of animals these bullets would be good for. According to that the 240 moving at 1200 fps would be good for animals up to 1200 pounds, which the 125 at 2400 fps would only be good for animals weighing up to 500 lbs. I don't know if I'm every going to get the chance to shoot at something over 500 lbs, but I'm just trying to get a feel for the versatility of the 300/221.
However, recently I have started looking at some other "formulas" for predicting terminal ballistics and those are indicating that the 165 at 2000 fps would be better performing.
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