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Old 04-24-2009, 10:42 PM
grey2112 grey2112 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 60
220 SMK bullet drop same as .22LR out to 200 yards?

Been looking at getting a Pride Fowler 3-9x32 scope with BDC calibrated for most 36-40 grain hypersonic .22LR ammo (they say around 1260 fps or so it what they designed it for).

Now, I read here someone saying that the ballistics and bullet drop of a 220 grain bullet (SMK) loaded at about 1050 or so FPS is quiet similar to the .22LR's bullet drop, at least from 50 yards out to 200 yards.

Is this indeed the case? The PF reticle is supposed to be dead on at 50 yards and then the reticle drop lines go out to 200 yards and is supposed to be pretty close for most .22LR ammo.

If the 220 SMK subsonic is very similar, I think I found my scope.
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