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Old 04-19-2009, 02:24 PM's Avatar is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Out There
Posts: 23
Interesting....and on the forum from the UK.... British Blades, they prohibit the word Combat and knife from being written together.
Further several years ago a news paper or service from Scotland named the Scotsman started a war on knives, and published an anti knife article every day or there abouts.
All about knives used in crime.

Now the British want to de claw every cat in the country, and dull the beaks of every bird.

Dogs are to have their teeth pulled and bees are not to have stingers.

Sorry, but we are on our way to a world of toothless wonder.....and there is a museum in Cambodia and the Hmong people are hunted like animals in Lao's

Oh Well....I'm sure that will never happen in my space.....LOL
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