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Old 04-13-2009, 07:29 PM
Pnutz Pnutz is offline
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Originally Posted by JimM44 View Post
I WISH you guys has posted about the expensive trimmers with the info about the trim die.

I ordered and have received the trim die, I don't want to spend another $200+ to cut the cases on top of this.
Yikes you could always send it back or even sell it fairly easily if you don't want to spend the extra $$ on the Dillon RT 1200. But I really like my Dillon RT 1200 for high volume sizing and trimming on my rifle loads. Use it for .223 .308 and .300/221. If you shoot regularly and are going to load up 500+ The Dillon RT is really nice.

Manual Way:
If you have a Lathe type case trimmer you can insert the 223 case into the chuck, take a hacksaw and cut the brass right at the shoulder so you end up with a straight walled case. Then using the lathe trim it down to 1.355"; Chamfer, Deburr. Lube then Size.

Or Use the Dillon and do it all in one press stroke?

Also I have found that only LC brass seems to be the only one to consistently fit properly in my chamber. I went through and picked out all my LC brass from my .223 to use for 300/221
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