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Old 04-01-2009, 02:45 AM
AlcoholicusMaximus AlcoholicusMaximus is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 39
147 fmj load Testing

I have a M1S 10.5" upper and have been testing some Winchester 147gr. fmj's. For the record, the bullets have not shot well for me in any gun, so my focus here is a safe maximum average pressure/velocity. I started out using 16gr of H110, and was averaging right around 1884fps, no pressure signs. Since max load is 17.0gr, I increased charge wt. by .2gr increments for testing. I was really expecting to start seeing flattened primers or ejector gouging, but I got to the 17.0gr load @ 1976fps. with no pressure signs!(so I thought). I have never seen a pierced primer, so the first one got by me, but I caught the second one. Out of ten shots, two pierced primers. I have seen a lot of flattened primers in .223, but never a pierced one. Why would a primer pierce before flattening out?
Leery of the max load with H110, I tried W296 using the same charge wts. mentioned above, & with the max load of 17grs, was only able to achieve an avg. of 1878fps. I have read that the two powders were near identical.
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