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Old 03-28-2009, 07:20 PM
andy b. andy b. is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 4
Question yet another question on 240 SMK, M1S 16", and cycling

i only recently received my Model 1 Sales 16" .300 upper (a week ago, of course it was ordered in November). it has the gas port at 7.5" (the Carbine location). all i want to fire are subsonic rounds, and preferably only bullets over 200gr. i have a suppressor, and plan on doing at least 90% of my shooting with it attached.

reloading info is somewhat, uh, unorganized for the .300, at least as far as i can tell. oh, there is plenty of info out there, but trying to find it all and make sense of it is a project.

right now i am experimenting with the 240gr SMK bullets and started with some AA #9 powder. i worked up loads from 8.9gr to 9.8gr and none will fully cycle my AR. i am using pre-fired .223 brass (i form the brass and then fire it in a .300 Whisper bolt rifle and then re-size and trim it).

so my question is, at this point does it sound like i need to open my gas port, or should i increase the powder charge, or should i try some other powders? i haven't pulled out my chrono to check velocities (it is in storage, but i want to get it out for this project), but the round still sounds subsonic. the brass shows no signs of overpressure. if the answer is to keep increasing the powder charge or try another powder someone has experience with, that is preferable to opening the gas port. i have the tools to adjust the gas port if that is what i need to do though.

what i really was trying to find was a listing of all minimum powder charges that cycle the 240SMK bullets in a 16" barrel with the carbine gas port location, as well as the gas port size, if known. anyone every come across such a listing or something close?

i apologize for asking this question as similar versions have been posted previously. i just haven't come across an answer that matches my situation.


andy b.
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