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Old 03-22-2009, 11:41 AM
Medic650 Medic650 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Ellis, Ks
Posts: 50
Primers I've had for a few years but powder is new. The brass is all new formed from WW 223 brass. I'm using a SSK upper and I'm seating just deep enough to fit in a AR mag. My SSK upper will not chamber LC or other military brass. With the 168 BTHPs I'm wondering if I'm not getting enough powder in the case and the shorter bullet, vs a 220 SMK, that the powder has some void to change position. I loaded another 25 last night and weighed every charge and was always within 1/10th of a grain out of the powder measure. I adjusted charge so I'll see if that makes any difference.
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