Thread: New 300 owner
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Old 03-21-2009, 10:57 PM
avnut avnut is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: NY
Posts: 6
Smile New 300 owner

Hello all,I'm new to this forum.I've been lurking here a few times.I liked the idea of the 300 fireball,so i sold the 223 barrel from my 18 year old AR and ordered up a model 1 sales 16" carbine barrel.I ordered the barrel the first week of jan and just recieved it last week.I installed the barrel on a new A3 upper reciever.While I was waiting for the barrel I made up some brass from both once fired 223 and new 221 brass.I loaded a few rounds up today and took it out back to try out for the first time.I used Hornady 190 gr bt bullets with 8.3gr 2400.I stuck an old steel tube weaver 4x scope on it that I had laying around.I got the scope dialed in quickly.Recoil was even less then I imagined.The 300 shot well,granted I was only 25 yd back and not supported,but it cut a ragged hole in the target.Only problem was the action wont cycle.Its short stroking.I'm using a carbine stock and buffer.Since I'm not going to use the AR for any other calibers,I going to modify it to use subsonic with the 300 fireball.I cut a couple inches off the buffer spring to see if that helps.Anyone esle try this approach?
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