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Old 05-09-2005, 10:01 PM
40mmpumpgun 40mmpumpgun is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 15
We calculate around $7000, but its a bit too soon to tell for sure. This weapon will function with the chalk rounds to a point. The mag tube holds 3 rounds plus 1 in the chamber. When the gun is cycled, there is alot of spring pressure pushing the 3 rounds into the feed system. The problem is such that you have a round that weighs about 6 ounces sitting on top of a plastic nose cone on the previous round . When the movement of ammo stops, inertia is still present and the last round will break the one its sitting on top of. The only way I found to eliminate 75% of that problem is to load the mag tube with only 2 rounds, not 3. The gun was designed to shoot rounds with the tapered ogives such like the 397's, 407's or the ground smoke rounds. It does not like to feed buckshot or anything else with a blunt nose. As I said before, its sole purpose in design was to blow things up, period. I have manufactured my own reloads for testing and they work well. I have used plastics and aluminum and the all work about the same.
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