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Old 02-23-2009, 07:24 PM
Flewis Flewis is offline
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 55
Well, I picked up some 168 grain Hornady bullets to test with. Running at about 1080 fps (10.6 grains AA1680).

Cycles just fine, but doesn't lock the bolt back on an empty mag... no big deal there.

However, I'm getting poor accuracy at 100 yards (2 to 2.5 inch groups) and its obvious that they are starting to tumble as I'm getting slight keyholing on the paper.

Colohunter, what twist barrel were you using with the 150's?

I can't really push them any faster or they'll go super-sonic. Is the 1:8 twist rate too fast for 168's? Any idea where my instability could be coming from?

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