I sent the seller an email a few days ago asking a few specific questions about this bayonet. His one line reply was "It is genuine." I again emailed him saying that I wasn't questioning the authenticity of the piece but was looking for detailed information. I have not heard back from him and with the bid currently sitting at $550 I don't expect that I will.
I have some reservations about this bayonet. I contacted two SIG distributors here in the US trying to find out if this is a genuine SIG accessory. They responded that they have not seen them nor are they avaialble in the catalogs that they have. I currently have an email in to the SIG corporate office and I'm awaiting their response.
The SIG/M9/Phrobis markings are clearly etched on the blade; they were not applied during the manufacturing process but applied at some later time. The bayonet is a Buck 1994 commercial piece. This definitely places it long after any Buck/Phrobis association (that ceased in 1989).
There is a possibility that SIG marked some bayonets to be sold with their rifles. I know they did a small group of them in 1987 and they were shown in the SIG catalog. I will continue to try to get additional information and would welcome any input from others.