Thread: 25x45 or 25/223
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Old 01-31-2009, 11:54 PM
320pf 320pf is offline
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ar mag limit

Given the length limit of the AR15 mag, the bullet choice/weight is pretty much max at 100 gr.

I also shoot the 300 Whisper and I wanted a wildcat that did not require much case prep. but was looking for more velocity than the 6x45mm. The Hodgdon reloading manual indicates that a 75g bulllet in a 6x45mm tops out at about 2900-3000 fps. The ballistics for this wildcat should approximate the 250-3000 savage.... We will see.

Kutz's 25x40mm actually got me motivated to build this wildcat.

So how do you like shooting the 6x45mm?

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